loss 是人体 3D 关节点的位置和旋转矩阵一起计算的
代码路径 ../forder1/lidarcap_1/train.py
,需要在配置文件里修改 data 的路径dddd
训练 250 个 epochs 大概需要 14 h
训练(with 验证集)完后得到了 model 的参数,在 debuged_model
代码路径 ../forder1/lidarcap_1/eval.py
输出是一组 SMPL 模型的 poses 参数(也有 joints 位置)
得到了 SMPL 模型的参数 poses,自然而然想去可视化出来
easy ver
学长写的 open3d_server,修改测试集数据路径和 SMPL 参数(轴角式旋转)运行在本地,但是无法做到和视频中的人体对齐(因为代码本身只有 poses 数据是必要的,没有图片和相机的参数)
项目在本地 F:\py_files_aitviewer
是一个能同时展示 SMPL模型 和 对齐的RGB图像 可视化工具。
使用方法是在 examples/load_xxx.py
文件中,加载特定格式下的数据集(例如 3DPW, AMASS 等),还需要加载每一帧对应的RGB图像和相机位姿参数
跑通了 aitviewer 中 load_3DPW.py 使用 3DPW 数据集的代码,有人物 SMPL 模型在视频中的可视化结果
3DPW Dataset
The 3DPW dataset contains several motion sequences, which are organized into two folders: imageFiles and sequenceFiles. The folder imageFiles contains the RGB-images for every sequence. The folder sequenceFiles provides synchronized motion data and SMPL model parameters in the form of .pkl-files. For each sequence, the .pkl-file contains a dictionary with the following fields:
- sequence: String containing the sequence name,视频的名字
- betas: SMPL shape parameters for each actor which has been used for tracking (List of 10x1 SMPL beta parameters),表示 shape 的数据
- poses: SMPL body poses for each actor aligned with image data (List of Nx72 SMPL joint angles, N = #frames),表示 pose 的数据
- trans: tranlations for each actor aligned with image data (List of Nx3 root translations),施加这个变换才是修正后的人体
- poses_60Hz: SMPL body poses for each actor at 60Hz (List of Nx72 SMPL joint angles, N = #frames)
- trans_60Hz: tranlations for each actor at 60Hz (List of Nx3 root translations)
- betas_clothed: SMPL shape parameters for each clothed actor (List of 10x1 SMPL beta parameters)
- v_template_clothed:
- gender: actor genders (List of strings, either ‘m’ or ‘f’)
- texture_maps: texture maps for each actor
- poses2D: 2D joint detections in Coco-Format for each actor (only provided if at least 6 joints were detected correctly)
- jointPositions: 3D joint positions of each actor (List of Nx(24*3) XYZ coordinates of each SMPL joint),3D 关节点的位置
- img_frame_ids: an index-array to down-sample 60 Hz 3D poses to corresponding image frame ids,对应图片的帧数的list,eg:[0, 2, 4, …, 720]
- cam_poses: camera extrinsics for each image frame (Ix4x4 array, I frames times 4x4 homegenous rigid body motion matrices),相机外参,每一帧视频对应一组外参
- campose_valid: a boolean index array indicating which camera pose has been aligned to the image,每一帧相机外参是否有效,有效是 1
- cam_intrinsics: camera intrinsics (K = [f_x 0 c_x;0 f_y c_y; 0 0 1]),相机内参
Each sequence has either one or two models, which corresponds to the list size of the model specific fields (e.g. betas, poses, trans, v_template, gender, texture_maps, jointPositions, poses2D). SMPL poses and translations are provided at 30 Hz. They are aligned to image dependent data (e.g. 2D poses, camera poses). In addition we provide ‘poses_60Hz’ and ‘trans_60Hz’ which corresponds to the recording frequency of 60Hz of the IMUs . You could use the ‘img_frame_ids’ to downsample and align 60Hz 3D and image dependent data, wich has been done to compute SMPL ‘poses’ and ‘trans’ variables. Please refer to the demo.py-file for loading a sequence, setup smpl-Models and camera, and to visualize an example frame.
制作 3DPW 格式的数据集,需要 16 个数据项,其中有的参数是不太好获取的,例如 poses2d
,是以 COCO-DATASET 的格式存储 2D 关节点的坐标。(所以这是一个非常耗时的过程)
在原论文中,作者只提供了一组相机外参(1x4x4),不是每一帧都有,因此无法根据这个制作成 3DPW 格式数据集(或许需要使用多视角图像 + COLMAP 来算出相机位姿)
重新看了看原文,作者可视化出来的人物也是没有和背景对齐的,甚至只用了 SMPL-X 模型
注意 bcrypt==4.0.1, open3d==0.15.1
可以导入 pkl, obj 文件
对于每组 {shape, pose} 参数,能生成一个人体SMPL obj 文件
在 E:/py_files/smplx/examples/demo.py
路径下,虚拟环境为 env_smplx
官方 demo 能跑,mesh 能够生成,也可以修改官方 demo 的数据为自己的(在 demo.py 的 line 64 & 65)
运行命令为 python demo.py --model-folder E:/py_files/smplx/models/smplx/SMPLX_NEUTRAL.npz